This FAQ contains the following sections:Part 1. Changing individual protective device label fonts if the curve is already plotted.
Part 2. Changing the Datablock font when curve is already plotted on a TCC.
Part 3. Changing the label font for all devices when the curves are already plotted in the same TCC.
Part 4. Changing the label font and Datablock font ‘Globally’ for all devices in a TCC and all the TCC drawings in the
same project.
Part 1. Changing individual protective device label fonts if the curve is already plotted.
Solution:When a protective device or component is plotted on a TCC, the device uses the default font (Arial, Regular, 8).
To change the font of this particular device, perform the following steps:1. Ensure that the “Device Label and Datablock Fonts” is set to Individual Fonts.
a. Right-click on the right pane of the TCC window and select “TCC Settings”. Click on the “All Devices” tab.
2. Go to the Project menu > select Options or press Ctrl+O on your keyboard.
3. Select TCC in the Option Groups.
4. Select the Default Curve Pattern and Color and then click on Font button. Select the appropriate Font, Font Style and the Size then click OK. (For example, let say we want the font to be changed to Arial Narrow, Italic, 10). These changes will appear accordingly in front of the Font button.
5. This font change will not affect existing TCC drawings. This will be set as the default for new curves that will be created new TCC drawings.
6. You have to create a new TCC to see the effects of the font change. For example, add an existing device (PD-0002 in our case) in a new TCC drawing to see the effects of the change.
7. You will have to repeat procedure this for each individual curve in the Options menu, as there are ten different curves with different individual settings.
8. To change the font on the same TCC, select the particular device on the TCC, right-click and select ‘Selected Device Settings’. Change the font to Arial Narrow, Italic, 10 on the Device tab under Device Label. You will get the same TCC drawing as shown.
Part 2. Changing the Datablock font when curve is already plotted on a TCC.
Solution:When you plot a protective device or component on a TCC, the datablock uses the default font
(Arial, Regular, 8).
To change the Datablock font of this particular device, perform following steps:
Repeat Steps 1 throughs 3 of Part 1.

1. This time select the Device Datablock and change the font on the right side of the window. (Century, Bold Italic, 10).
2. This change of the datablock font will not affect any existing TCC drawings. This will be set as the default for the new curves that will be created new TCC drawings.
3. You have to create a new TCC drawing to see the effect of change in the font size. For example, add an existing device (Static Breaker in our case) in this new TCC drawing to see the change of the Font label.
4. To change the datablock font on the same TCC drawing, select the particular device on the TCC, right-click and select “Selected Device Settings”. Change the font to Century, Bold Italic, 10 on the Datablock tab.
Part 3. Changing the label font for all devices when the curves are already plotted in the same TCC.1. Select the TCC drawing you want to change the Label fonts.
2. Right-click on the right pane of this TCC drawing and select the TCC settings. You should get the following screen.
3. Go to “All Devices” tab and select “Use Universal Font”. Then click on the browse button to change the font.
4. This will change the font label for all the devices that are present in this TCC drawing.
Part 4. Changing the label font and Datablock font ‘Globally’ for all devices in a TCC and all the TCC drawings in the same project.1. Select a particular device in a TCC drawing you want to change the Label font for all the devices in that TCC drawing and all other TCC drawings in the same project.
2. Right-click on the right pane of this TCC drawing and select the Global Changes option.
3. In the “Apply to” section, select “All TCC’s in Current Project” option. Make sure On is selected in the “Change To” section.
4. Now check the “Device Label” and “Datablock” check boxes. This will enable the checkbox for ‘Use Selected Device font for All Devices’.
5. Select the check boxes based on your requirements.
a. If you want to change only the Device label fonts for all the devices in the project, check the Device label check boxes.
b. If want to change only the Datablock fonts for all the devices in the project, check the Datablock check boxes.
c. If you want the Device label and Datablock font, check both the check boxes
6. Click OK and you will notice that the selected device font settings will be applied to all the devices in the existing TCC drawings as well as all other TCC drawings in the same project.