Rules we follow for the Equipment Default table:
1. When a bus is created, the default electrode config is VCB and it is unlinked.
2. When you run Arc Flash, the program will check the equip default table using 3 criteria: bus voltage, equipment type, and equipment category (yellow parameters) then populates the other parameters (EC, Box Dimensions, WD, gap) when it finds a match:
Note: the Equip Default table in SKM is set to VCB for all by default. It was changed to VCBB and HCB here for a demo.

Exact match is:
• Bus voltage within the Default Table Voltage Range (in this case multiple rows), and
• Component Editor Equipment Type match with Default Table Equipment Type, and
• Component Editor Equipment Category match with Default Table Equipment Category
Generic match is:
• Bus voltage within the Default Table Voltage Range (in this case multiple rows), and
• Component Editor Equipment Type match with Default Table Equipment Type, and
• Component Editor Equipment Category not match with the Default Table Equipment Category, the user row that have “Generic“, “Normal”, or “Typical” as Equipment Category.
If neither Exact nor Generic match is possible, the program uses internal values to populate the parameters (similar to the “Normal” entries with VCB)
3. The electrode config or any other parameters (box dims, wd, gap) will only match the equip default table when it is linked.
EC Unlinked:
EC Linked:
4. When equipment type is linked, it will change to match the equipment category. For instance, if category entered as “switchgear”, equip type will change to “SWG”. When the user change equipment category to non-matching name, then it defaults to internal equip type: PNL for LV, SWG for MV/HV.
PTW v10.0.0.4 was used in the test. The equip default table is
saved in the AF_EquipDefault.ss6 found inside each project folder.
When a
project is initially created, it loads the one from the miscellaneous files
(\PTW32\lib) and copies it to the project folder when AF is ran.